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The Buddy Stage

As COVID-related restrictions continue to lessen and more people are out and about for casual or important things, I’m experiencing a level of interaction I wasn’t quite expecting.

Physical Therapist during our first session: “I don’t know buddy. It’s just so odd that these symptoms just came out of nowhere, you know what I’m saying?”

Random young man in a car (98% certain I don’t know him) waving at me while driving by: “Hey buuuddy!”

New employee at the recycle center: “That’ll be one dollar buddy.”

Evidently, I’m still passing as male in public. This is a relief as I’m now sporting a ponytail (though I suspect my Irish-looking cap helps give a masculine vibe). What’s interesting is this “buddy” thing. It’s definitely being said in a casual, friendly manner, which I appreciate. I wonder how often these folks call other strangers “buddy.” And I also have another question I half-want to ask these guys:

How old do you think I am??

GIF via Gifer.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not aware of people referring to grown men as “buddy” on a regular basis. Seems more like something you’d say to a younger dude. I’m guessing the combination of a short height and face mask is covering any clues that I’m not some high school kid. I also think that assumption will go away when I start having descent facial hair and am not wearing a mask.

Until then, it looks like I’m in the buddy stage of things.

Published inGIFTransgender

One Comment

  1. I always wonder at the “buddy” comment as well…It could be gender-neutral, but I’ve only heard men say it. It also seems a bit patronizing to me as well, but maybe it depends on the context.

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